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“Intentionally slowing down to simply be, breathe, listen and appreciate the beauty of nature and life. Consciously creating space to relax, reflect, and integrate rather than constantly being busy or rushed.”



At Yutori, I encourage people to discover returning to “yourself”. Knowing and experiencing that peace, bliss and happiness exists within us... It is who we fundamentally are so there is no point in searching for it externally. 


I aim to create a space that allows you to feel grounded and serene. The practice is connected to the 5 elements and yogic scriptures, honouring the ancient teachings that came before us and sharing them openly.


Founded and designed by Swami Vishnudevananda in honour of Swami Sivananda, the practice is based on the ancient wisdom of yoga synthesize into 5 principles:


The aim of Hatha Yoga is to unite the Sun (Ha) and Moon (Tha) energy in the solar plexus- the body’s battery where tremendous energy is stored. Another analogy is befriending the twin horses: Prana (upward moving energy) and Apana (downward moving energy) to enjoy youth, vigour and energy. This is depicted in the logo:



An aspiring yogi - I say aspiring because the journey of student and teacher is one of continuous flow and probably never ending.


I’ve been practicing the asanas for over 10 years now and while my journey into the all encompassing Yoga has just begun, I would be doing to disservice to my teachers and the Yogis (past, present and future) if I did not share the peace, bliss and joy I feel everyday through my own practice.

Over the years I’ve learnt that yoga cannot be taught but must be experienced - I hope Yutori helps you discover the strength, peace and bliss that exists within you and unleashes everything you’re meant to be when the mind is under control by the power of the breath. 

I look forward to sharing this beautiful journey with you.

With love and gratitude


Certified Sivananda yoga teacher (200 hours)

Om Bolo Sat Guru Sivananda Maharaja Ki Jai

Om Bolo Shri Vishnudevananda Maharaja Ki Jai


Each 1:1 class is 75 minutes which is all encompassing:

Pranayama (breathing exercises)

Asanas (yogic postures)

Savasana (relaxation)

Dhyana (meditation)

For every 5 classes bought, 1 class is delivered to someone in need for free



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